Slatvina 63
Irányító szám:
053 61
00421/948 457 805
48°57’40.91”N 20°50’31.75”E
0 °C
19 °C
Többnyire napos
3 °C
17 °C
Időnként napos
1 °C
14 °C
Többnyire felhős
4 °C
14 °C
Szemerkélő eső
5 °C
15 °C
Többnyire felhős
Információ a nyelv nem áll rendelkezésre.

The village of Slatvina belongs to the oldest villages in Spiš as well as to the oldest villages in Slovakia. In the Middle Ages, it was mentioned for the fi rst time under the name ZEK, in the charter of the Hungarian king Belo IV. dated July 8, 1246. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in the village of Slatvina (Spišská Nová Ves district) revealed a surprising fi nd. The presbytery housed medieval wall paintings for centuries. Experts date them to the years 1400-1420. After the frescoes from the church of St. Spirit In Žehra (from 1242-43), entered in the UNESCO list, is this discovery the largest one in the central Spiš region. At the end of the 19th century, the local mineral spring was used for the construction of medicinal baths, which, however, did not gain much importance. The mineral spring was named after the countess of Spiš Castle, Anna Csaky, as the village belonged to the domain of Spiš Castle for many years. The spring is widely used by local residents as well as tourists, or residents of the village’s surroundings. The spring itself is situated in the building of the Fire Station.